What Causes Excess Scalp Oils and Hardened Sebum Plugs

One of the top problems in women and men is excessively oily scalp. Scalp Oils are designed to add moisture to the hair and to the outer most skin layers of the scalp. This moisture is vital since it helps the skin’s lipid barrier protect against breakdown. If the outer lipid layer breaks down then there are many different problems that can occur including not just dry skin but that is also where the fungus that normally lives on the outside of the skin on the scalp can actually penetrate. The same is true with bacteria. This is when you start seeing the mix of scalp oils with yeast, microbes such as fungus and bacteria. The result can be many different scalp issues including flaking, itching, redness, bumps and sores that can occur anywhere on the head.


What to Do If I Have Hardened or Crusty Sebum On The Scalp?

For most this occurs is your scalp is producing excess sebum. The answer is that the sebaceous gland needs to be regulated but more importantly the hair follicles need to be opened. In almost every case where there is an excess amount of scalp oils or greasy hair and scalp it is because the fungus and bacteria have been able to work their way inside the hair follicle. And often times the hardened sebum plugs have trapped them inside making them very tough to irrigate out.


There are several tested herbal combinations that help to melt away even tough crusty, hardened sebum on the scalp and follicle opens. These are thyme, sage, fenugreek, burdock and ivy. The other ingredient that is very important is Zinc PCA. This mineral is both an anti-fungal and also an anti-bacterial in a very natural form. It also does an amazing job of regulating the amount of sebum that the scalp puts out. But remember that the amount of oils being produced also have to do with the pores or follicles being closed. In an effort to unclog them the body will produce more sebum to push out the dirt, pollutants, fungus and bacteria. However, the results are not good unless the plug or clogged opening is first removed.


What Does Sebum Look Like?

May people often know then have a problem when they see a crusty build up on the scalp, hair and behind the ears. The flakes can be large or small and be white or yellow in colour. It can also be away build-up that is either white or yellowish in nature making it look like yellow dandruff. Many refer to this as seborrhoea or seborrheic dermatitis if there is itching and redness associate with it. They can also be crystalized sebum balls in the hair or sitting on the scalp skin. These can also occur on the body or face skin as well. For those wondering how to get rid of hardened sebum on the scalp or skin it is important that you do not use just clarifying shampoo as these simply strip and do nothing to help with opening hair follicles so that they can get the correct amount of sebum flowing. It is better to use a scalp scrub and herbal shampoo that has been tested and proven. We strongly recommend a Zinc Pca Shampoo like Zincplex. We also recommend a mineral scalp scrub that can eliminate the build up at the openings. But once again make sure to use one with Zinc Pca and the herbs thyme, sage, fenugreek, burdock. Opening up the follicles and pores will give your hair and scalp skin a fresh start and many of the issues that have been bugging you will have symptoms very much disappear or great be reduced including the sebum and product build-up issues that so many women and face. A healthy start or fresh start will also allow the lipid barrier on the scalp to reform and repair to help prevent future hair problems.